Permanent Makeup


    Contraindications include the following list (case by case basis):

    - Skin Complications: skin prone to eczema, psoriasis, keratosis pilaris and dermatitis. The flaking, itching, or aggravated chances are increased, with the constant unrest and shedding it is not suitable for tattooing and won’t hold pigment well.

    - Chronic Conditions: acne grades III and IV. This skin type can cause easy bleeding, which means your skin will not retain the color well. Excess oily skin can cause hair strokes to bleed together over time causing a solid effect instead of a feathery look.

    - Compromised State of Skin & Body: If the skin is sensitive, it’s likely to be easily aggravated. For recent trauma, a negative life event, abnormal circadian rhythm, or high inflammatory response will trigger less retention of pigment.

    - Hair Transplant: Scar tissue forms within the eyebrow transplant site. Implantation of pigment will be harder.

    - Irregular State, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease: if the body has a bleeding disorder, an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, or frontal fibrosis alopecia this will result in excess bleeding and prevent adequate color retention.

    - Super thin, vascular and sun damaged skin: this skin type and condition can result in the color turning cool or an ashy/gray tone for eyebrows.

    - Diabetes Type 1 & 2: diabetic clients can experience a slower healing process. It will depend on if the condition is controlled to move forward with treatment.

    - Upcoming vacation or special occasion: the healing process can be emotional rollercoaster. Schedule in advance to account for a touchup(6 weeks post treatment) or schedule after the event.

    - Excessively Oily Skin: machine hair strokes will not be suitable for this skin type.

    - Chemical Peel in the past 30-60 days: the skin will be in a state of unrest and exfoliation.

    - Trichotillomania: an autoimmune disorder such as lupus.

    - BOTOX, Eyebrows: wait 2-3 weeks to settle before and after treatment.

    - Latisse or Eyelash & Eyebrow growth serums: these serums bring extra circulation to the area resulting in more growth of hairs. The skin in that area is hypersensitive state and will bleed easily. Be mindful and discontinue using these at least 1-6 months before going in for eyeliner tattoo session otherwise you will instantly bleed and have a high risk of migration.

    - Glaucoma, Eyeliner: the use of glaucoma eye drops makes eyelash follicles and eyelids hypersensitive, causing excessive bleeding and poor color retention.

    - Filler/Injectables, Lips: 1 to 3 months prior to the treatment and after the treatment.

    - Cold Sores, Lips: it is imperative to have an antiviral medication prescribed by a doctor prior to the scheduled appointment. Not doing so will result in aggravated healing and less color retention.

    - Must be 18 years or older.

    - Pregnant/Nursing: the effects of pigments/numbing agents aren’t highly researched and can enter the bloodstream. There is a risk of infection and blood borne pathogens.

    - Sick(cold, flu, etc.): if your body is in a compromised state of health, the inflammatory response from tattooing these areas will be elevated.

    - Cancer: with cancer and cancer treatments like chemotherapy, the body and immune system is in a compromised position. We would want to limit any additional risks. Clients must wait 6 to 12 months to receive permanent makeup after cancer treatment is finished. (Case by case basis.)

    - Hemophilia or any blood clotting diseases.

    - Severe heart conditions: medications often thin blood resulting in excessive bleeding.

    - Tan/Sunburn: pigments implanted in tan skin will heal darker, and appear ashy and can become extremely problematic if this is not the desired result.

    - Moles, skin tags, piercings, scars, old permanent makeup and generally raised skin will also not be able to retain color and therefore this expectation must be understood.

    - Non-prescribed Drugs: if a client is knowingly under the influence of drugs or any mood altering medications that aren’t prescribed.

    - Accutane & Retin A: Accutane must be completed and wait 6-12 months after treatment to get permanent makeup. Retain-A and OTC retinol products should be discontinued from use 30-60 days prior to permanent makeup.

    *Things to prepare for your permanent makeup session:

    - Cold Sores: begin taking prescribed medication at least 2 days before treatment of the lips.

    - Do not exercise 24hrs before the procedure.

    - NO alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the procedure. (There is caffeine in decaf and teas.)

    - Avoid sun and tanning 30 days before.

    - Do not take aspirin, niacin, vitamin e or advil/ibuprofen 24 hours before.

    - Avoid fish oil, prenatal vitamins, and “hair skin and nail” supplements 24 hours prior.

    - Discontinue Retin-A and retinol products 4 weeks prior.

    - Refrain from using AHA products close to the brow area 2 weeks prior and post.

    - Refrain from mood-altering drugs for 24 hours prior.

    - If you are not allergic to Benadryl, you could (if you, yourself, not me) take one the night before and morning of the procedure, which could help control swelling.

    - Please note: you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

    - No doctor prescribed medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician.

  • Goal: Create the illusion of fuller natural hair with a soft border defining the shape. This technique’s biggest advantage is achieving a naturally enhanced look to the brows by using pigmented ink and a super fine needle to create hair-like tattoo strokes. Pigment color is decided during consultation and finalized before the procedure day. This is a specialty technique that leaves pigment in between the epidermis and dermis to ensure a clean color fade with effective retention. Secondary numbing will be used to ensure the most comfort for your procedure.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” Your touch-up will need to be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Then to maintain consistent color a touch-up will need to be done every 1-3 years.

    *This technique is most suitable for normal/combo skin types, oily skin can cause pigment migration while dry skin can have issues retaining pigment. Be sure to discuss this during consultation if you are unsure if you will be a good candidate.

  • Goal: Create the illusion of a fluffy or sculpted front of the brow and define the shape of the mid and tail with an ombre powder shading throughout. This technique combines the powder and nano hairstroke look for the best of both worlds! The front of the brow will look more realistic while the tail will appear as if you used a brow powder throughout by using pigmented ink and a super fine needle to create either tattoo strokes or tattoo shading. Pigment color is decided during consultation and finalized before the procedure day of. This is a specialty technique that leaves pigment in between the epidermis and dermis to ensure a clean color fade with effective retention. Secondary numbing will be used to ensure the most comfort for your procedure.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” Your touch-up will need to be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Then to maintain consistent color a touch-up will need to be done every 1-3 years.

    *This technique is most suitable for normal/combo skin types, oily skin can cause pigment migration while dry skin can have issues retaining pigment. Be sure to discuss this during consultation if you are unsure if you will be a good candidate.

  • Goal: Create a well defined brow shape with the illusion of a sculpted brow as if you filled them in with a brow powder. Powder brows usually have the most longevity of color retention because the shading is layered and saturated more than a tattoo stroke would be. This technique can create a soft and natural look or a bolder more dramatic appearance as the pigment is layered using pigment and a fine needle to create tattoo shading with a rotary pen. Pigment color is decided during consultation and finalized before the procedure day. This is a specialty technique that leaves pigment in between the epidermis and dermis to ensure a clean color fade with effective retention. Secondary numbing will be used to ensure the most comfort for your procedure.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” Your touch-up will need to be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Then to maintain consistent color a touch-up will need to be done every 1-3 years.

    *This technique is most suitable for oily skin types, though normal and dry are still candidates oily skin types will retain this technique better than others like Nano Hairstroke and Microblading. Sensitive skin types are not always candidates depending on severity of sensitivities. Be sure to discuss this during consultation if you are unsure if you will be a good candidate.

  • Goal: Lips that stand out with color and fullness without having to apply makeup daily. When we age our lips lose their youthful color and sometimes hypo or hyperpigmentation occurs. This tattoo shading technique adds pigment to your lips to shape them and achieve a more symmetrical look using a fine needle. The pigment is layered into the lips which in result can give you a soft natural blush effect, an in between effect similar to a tinted balm and a lipstick effect for most color saturation. There is also a specialty process to correct dark lips called “Lip Brightening” and “Color Correcting.” Pricing may go up with added color saturation. Pigment color is decided during consultation and finalized before the procedure day of. This is a specialty technique that leaves pigment in between the epidermis and dermis to ensure a clean color fade with effective retention. This procedure does involve a pre-numbing and secondary numbing throughout the procedure for your comfort.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” Your touch-up will need to be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. For color correction or lip brightening more than one touch up may be required. Then to maintain consistent color a touch-up will need to be done every 1-3 years.

  • Goal: Enhance your natural beauty mark or add a few to accent your features. This procedure uses a tattoo rotary machine to gently implant pigment to your skin. This is a specialty technique that leaves pigment in between the epidermis and dermis to ensure a clean color fade with effective retention. Secondary numbing will be used to ensure the most comfort for your procedure.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” Your touch-up will need to be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Then to maintain consistent color a touch-up will need to be done every 1-3 years.

  • Goal: Add freckles to your face to beautifully enhance your natural features without the need of a filter! The artist will map out your freckles and make sure you are in love with them before applying any pigment. This procedure uses a tattoo rotary machine to gently implant pigment to your skin. This is a specialty technique that leaves pigment in between the epidermis and dermis to ensure a clean color fade with effective retention. Secondary numbing will be used to ensure the most comfort for your procedure.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” Your touch-up will need to be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Then to maintain consistent color a touch-up will need to be done every 1-3 years.

  • Goal: Touch up your color and shape for $75 within 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure with Blissed Out Beauty. Color corrections can be done if the pigment is %50 faded or more and the shape will be updated or maintained starting at $125. Secondary numbing will be used to ensure the most comfort for your procedure.

    Booking Recommendations: Be sure to read the contraindications as well as the before/aftercare and book a consultation or fill out our GoogleForm “PMU Request.” These procedures may require additional touch ups to achieve your goals depending on severity of the color correction or shape correction.